Quick Start Guide for Anycubic Kobra 2 Neo

Anycubic Kobra 2 Neo, as an entry-level high-speed printer, boasts one of its features: ease of use and a modular design, allowing you to complete assembly within ten minutes. This article will help you quickly start your Kobra 2 Neo, covering how to fast assemble, inspect before power-up, initially set up, and first print.

1. Quick Assembly for Anycubic Kobra 2 Neo

Assemble Anycubic Kobra 2 Neo

You will only need a set of hex keys and a wrench that come with Kobra 2 Neo. The assembly process is quite easy to do, containing securing the frame, print head, screen, filament holder, and PEI plate onto the printer base using screws. However, remember to remove the protective foam and zip ties from these components before starting the assembly.

Each component's cable connectors should be plugged into their respective ports, such as the print head, X-axis limit switch, X-Z-axis motors, and PE, to ensure their proper functioning. Next, organize these cables to ensure they are neat. Prepare the zip ties and clips that you can find in the box, and they can be used to fix the PTFE tube and the cables of the print head together, confirming they do not disrupt the moving parts during printing.

2. Pre-Power-On Inspection for Anycubic Kobra 2 Neo

Check Anycubic Kobra 2 Neo

V-slot wheels adjustment

V-slot wheels are critical components for the movement of the print head and the heated bed. They are located on both sides of the X-axis, on the back of the print head, and at the bottom of the Y-axis bed. Before starting a print, it is essential to check for any looseness or restricted movement in the print head and bed. Typically, you can adjust them by using a wrench to tighten the wheels' eccentric nuts until there is no wobbling.

Belt tension adjustment

Similar to V-slot wheels, belts are also on both the X and Y axes of the machine. Loose and slack belts can typically affect print quality and may lead to layer shift issues. To tighten your machine's belts, it's advisable to tighten them until they are at their maximum tension and then loosen them by one turn to achieve the appropriate belt tension.

3. Bed Leveling for Anycubic Kobra 2 Neo

Bed Leveling for Anycubic Kobra 2 Neo

Before starting the machine, check the printer's voltage switch to ensure it is correctly set, which depends on your local voltage. Now, let's move on to bed leveling. In the machine's screen interface, select the 'Auto Level' button. At this point, you just only need to wait for the machine to preheat and perform the automatic bed leveling. However, it is important to note that the PEI plate is placed on the heated bed before initiating the leveling process to maintain accuracy.

4. First Print for Anycubic Kobra 2 Neo

First Print for Anycubic Kobra 2 Neo

Finally, we are ready to start the first print. Begin by loading filament into the extruder and then navigate to 'Filament' - 'Extruder' on the screen. Once the nozzle and the bed reach the preset temperatures, the extruder will automatically start extruding the filament. If you encounter any issues with filament flow, you can use a hex key to adjust the extruder tension on the side of the print head.

Insert the TF card into the machine and select the model file on the screen to start printing. If you notice any imperfections in the first print, you may need to calibrate the Z-offset. Typically, it takes about half an hour to complete the printing of a Benchy.

5. Video Tutorial for Anycubic Kobra 2 Neo

Unboxing Video Tutorial for Anycubic Kobra 2 Neo

Detailed Assembly Video Tutorial for Anycubic Kobra 2 Neo

How to Change Filament for Anycubic Kobra 2 During Printing Process

Maintenance Guide: How to Replace Motherboard of Anycubic Photon Mono 2