How to order a bundle sale
To order a bundle sale, please follow these steps:
1. Visit our online store where the bundle sale is available.
2. Browse through the available colors and select those interests you.
3. Add the bundle to your cart by clicking on "Add to Cart."
4. The corresponding 3D printer bundle will be automatically added to your order only when the specified quantity of resin or PLA is met (e.g., purchasing 10 units of 10kg resin will automatically add one free Anycubic Photon M3 to your cart).

5. Review the items in your cart to ensure they are correct. Once a free 3D printer is included in your cart, you can proceed to checkout.

6. Proceed to the checkout page. Here, you will need to provide your shipping address.
7. Select your preferred payment method and complete the payment process. Follow the instructions provided to finalize your purchase.
8. After your order is successfully placed, you will receive an order confirmation with the details of your purchase.
9. Wait for your bundle to be shipped to your designated address.
10. If you encounter any issues or have questions during the ordering process, don't hesitate to contact our customer service Click Here to contact us.